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Learn Exactly How to Find and Pick Good Reference Photos for Photorealistic Car Drawings

I've been drawing cars for almost a decade now and in that time I've drawn countless cars. Some turned out better than others, which is mostly due to the reference photos I used.

Reference photos play a big part in if your drawing turns into a masterpiece or a failure.

After 9 years I learned a lot about what makes a reference photo good when it comes to drawing cars.

In the 2nd chapter of my upcoming ebook "Complete Handbook for Drawing Photorealistic Cars," I explain my process of searching for and choosing what reference photos to use in full detail.

And you can get this full guide for free!

Here's What You'll Learn

You'll learn:

  • Why I use multiple reference photos.
  • What makes reference photos perfect for drawing cars.
  • Where to find amazing reference photos.
  • How to avoid copyright infringement when using reference photos.

Sign up now and get to know my secrets to finding good reference photos!

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